Kim Kardashian's sex tape once more sought after
As the reality star was preparing to say ‘I do’ to her beau Kris
Humphries, her sex tape became a hot topic on Google with more than two
million people logging in to watch it. Google even revealed that the
demand for the video topped among the Irish, who were willing to pay 30
pounds to view it for a month on the web.
The sex video which became a rage online in the year 2007 was posted by
Kim’s ex boyfriend rapper Ray J. According to Sun, the video normally
attracts 300,000 visitors, but because Kim’s lavish $10 million wedding
ceremony was so high on buzz, millions of users came online in search of
the hot video. Kim Kardashian got married to NBA star Kris Humphries in
Montecito, California, on August 20, after a whirlwind romance of just
six months.